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Cheek Stickers

Patients whose mouths are numbed during treatment tend to play with the numb area by chewing or biting on it. This can produce soreness and swelling on the child’s cheeks.

To prevent injury to the tissue, we encourage the use of a “cheek sticker,” which we provide after treatment as an additional method to prevent biting on the cheek.

The cheek sticker

  • Has silver foil on one side and white on the other.
  • The parent should place the white side on the numbed cheek.
  • Once placed, due to its absorbency, the sticker will adhere to the cheek.
  • Since the cheek sticker may be a little uncomfortable, we suggest parents only use it if they see their child playing with the numb area.
  • To remove the cheek sticker, have the child swish their mouth with water until the cheek sticker softens and slides off the cheek. Then spit it out.
best pediatric dentist dr ngo

Written By: Dr. Ngo

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