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Pediatric cleaning and diagnosis services in Wheat Ridge

Most parents expect their child’s dental appointment to be similar to those of their past experiences. However, there are some noticeable differences at our Wheat Ridge location.

First of all, our pediatric teeth cleaning is a lot faster. Most children do not have periodontal disease, thus their cleaning comprises of a prophylaxis cleaning. However, if after an exam the doctor notices that a deeper cleaning is required, she will provide one.

Secondly, we recognize that oral work can be quite frightening for children. So in order to have successful results, we integrate show and tell into their cleaning.

Pediatric cleaning and exams

Prophylaxis cleaning for kids:

This is the type of cleaning that most children will receive. We use pumice toothpaste along with our tools to remove plaque from the surfaces of teeth above the gum line.

Deep cleaning:

This is for children with calculus build up above and below the gum-line. The doctor will perform this the day of, or during another appointment; depending on the severity of the condition.

Children’s oral exam:

After a prophylaxis cleaning, the doctor will look at the x- rays and then physically examine your child’s mouth. In this exam, the doctor not only looks for cavities but she also looks for growth, airway, and soft tissue problems. Oral exams also help us engage in your child emotional needs.

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Pediatric oral x-rays

There are many issues that might be missed without x-rays. X-rays allow the doctor to see cavities in between the teeth, growth problems, pathology of the bone, and periodontal disease. There are two types of x-rays that we often take.

Bitewing x-rays
Bitewing x-rays:

These x-rays diagnose cavities that cannot be seen by an oral exam, like those in-between teeth. For children 3 years and up, the trend of interproximal (between teeth) decay increases significantly. Also, the outer layer of a baby’s teeth is thinner than an adults’, so it can take as little as 3 months for a cavity to form. Not only do bitewings help us diagnose cavities, but they also help us study the progression of teeth breakdown, to prevent future ones.  We provide this x-ray to patients every 6 months.

Panoramic x-rays:

This x-ray allows us to see the growth and development of teeth, as well as some of the head and neck area. It can help us catch bone or teeth growth problems, and see if there is any pathology in the bone, periodontal disease, or sinus problems. We recommend this x-ray once a year because there are enough changes in that span of time to help us monitor present/future problems.

Panoramic x-rays
best pediatric dentist dr ngo

Written By: Dr. Ngo

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