Smart choices for your infants growth and development

Buying or using a Wubbanub or similar pacifiers.
Unfortunately, these types of pacifiers are the most addictive and damaging to your child’s skeletal and oral function development.
Prolonged oral habits (all oral habits should be broken by 4 months old):
Oral habits negatively affect your child’s long term growth and oral development. For instance, they can cause airway and speech problems. Therefore, the sooner you can break oral habits, the better!
Ignoring developmental milestones of oral functions such as speech development.
The younger the child, the easier it is for therapists to help correct issues such as speech. Thus, do not delay in seeking professional help!
Pacifier use can create incorrect swallowing patterns and tongue thrust. As a result, these can adversely affect your child’s airway, TMJ, speech development, and alignment of the teeth.
Correct jaw development needs correct pressure stimulation, which comes from a harder diet. Therefore, prolonged feeding on very soft foods can cause lack of jaw growth which in turn results in overcrowding of teeth.
Similar to pacifier use, bottle feeding negatively affects your child’s growth and development.
The bacteria that can lead to cavities are often transmitted to the mouth via sharing of food and utensils.
Grazing causes the mouth to turn acidic for prolonged periods, which can lead to premature breakdown of tooth structure.

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Would 100% recommend.
Self soothing teaches the tongue to be in the correct resting posture which, over time, will help shape a healthy airway structure.
Breastfeeding beyond the health benefits of infancy
Breastfeeding plays a critical role in shaping future skeletal and oral development.
Harder diet
Correct chewing pressure influences proper bone growth in the head and neck area.
Brushing with your child
This will help your child to be a better and more engaged brusher.
Awareness to how your child is breathing while awake and asleep
Airway problems do not improve on their own; by monitoring how your child is breathing, you can be a better advocate for your child’s long term health. Therefore, snoring or mouth-breathing for more than 3 nights a week is not normal, at any age.
Sleep hygiene
Sleep plays a critical role in your child’s growth and development. Moreover, creating a healthy sleep routine will help your child get much better sleep.
Other important videos to watch
Breastfeeding/Oral Habits
How to break oral habits
Teething and cavity prevention

Would 100% recommend.

Would 100% recommend.